Rightous Armies III - Leadership

A couple general's for my Righteous Army.  In this case it is the "Red General" Kwak Chae-u and the monk leader Yonggyu.  Both are from the guerilla mounted command pack from Perry Miniatures.

Not too much to add.  These are excellent castings that paint up really well.


  1. Good casting is what I expect from the Perry stable. These two BMOC ought to be mounted on something more substantial than a pony or donkey to suit their elevated status.

    1. One could argue that the Buddhist should be on a simple mount, but I would agree with you on the "Red General" Although, from what I have read most of the cavalry mounts on both sides were roughly pony sized.

  2. Interesting and unusual figures. I see what Jon means about the staure of the mounts!

    1. See above. Also, if we you proper scaling than the size of the horses back end would dwarf the horses' ass riding it...


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